Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Brettism Hump Day. An oldie, but goodie.

Life here has been so wicked chaotic, full of sickness, and swallowed loose change, that lately it's been all I can do to make sure they're fed, bathed, and that the head count comes out correctly.

So, in lieu of a fresh new Brettism, I give you a slightly recycled one. Many apologies and I promise to follow him around all week, pencil and paper in hand to bring you a sparkly new one next Wednesday.

I am standing in the kitchen trying to fake a cobbler for the reunion. I'm a little distracted as kids scamper in and out. Brett walks up and says.....

"Mom, what's a stripper mall?"

"What?" I reply

"A stripper mall" says Brett, more clearly this time.

It takes me a second, but I think I've got it.

"You mean, a strip mall?"

"Yeah, they just said it on TV" he replies

I explain what a strip mall is.

"Oh" he says. "I thought it would be much more interesting".


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your writing Caroline! I used to frequent the Jan 06 BB, but really got turned off by some of the attitudes. You were always a mom I could relate to and I really enjoy your blogs. Keep up the great writing!