I was a little worried about what I might find, a random blurry picture of Evan with his eyes closed playing outside. As it turns out the picture was of the fabulous florist-tanning-faxing-truck garage abortion of a business, the one where Curt in desperation sent me flowers from one year. The place that just screams "Yinzes in BUMFARK now!"
And in the spirit of the game (or half spirit of the game), I'm tagging Kate, JL, and Linda.
I'm so glad you played! That's a great picture. I've often wondered what that place looks like.
Hi, I am an old high school friend of Angie. Love the picture and story. Your kids are all beautiful!
OMG, I live near there!
Nicole...SERIOUSLY??!! I don't know if I should be thrilled or feel sorry for you. ;0)
Well, I live in Indiana so, close enough that I know where that is!
Holy heck Nicole, that's awesome! In my dreams they build a Tar'get in Indiana and I live happily ever after. :0)
Unfortunately, until then I go to Greensburg (like tomorrow) and get my target fix lol.
Okay Caro. I played the game. My photo was sooooo not interesting. Not that my mom standing in front of a bush isn't interesting, but there was no great story to go with it. LOL.
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