Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Brettism Hump Day! Hope it floats

My best friend and her family are coming for a visit soon, and the men-folk are taking the older kids white water rafting. Brett is just over the age limit and I debated about whether to ask him if he wanted to go, just because he's rather small for his age.

So I pulled up the website and the video showing the trek down the river they'd be going on. At the beginning of the video it shows all of the riders, decked out in life jackets and helmets sitting in front of the instructor demonstrating paddling.

"Wait, I have to like sit through a class and stuff?"

"Yes, they have to teach you how to do it safely."

"And you and Aunt Michelle will be here, just hanging out at the pool, relaxing?"

"I think that's the plan."

"Yeah, I'll go with that, no one needs to teach me how to lay around."

*Merde, he's decided to try it. Man, do I feel for that instructor.

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